Jerry Jones’ poignant monologue resonates as Tommy reflects on life’s choices (Photo: Landman/MTV Entertainment Studios, 101 Studios, and Bosque Ranch Productions)

Landman Season 1, Episode 9 Ending Explained: What Does Tommy’s Encounter With The Coyote Represent?

The coyote scene sums up the show’s central themes of struggle and survival.

The penultimate episode of Landman season 1 offers a wealth of material to analyze, particularly its enigmatic conclusion involving a coyote. Billy Bob Thornton takes center stage as Tommy Norris, a crisis management expert in the oil industry.

Over the course of the series, Tommy has worked for Monty Morris (played by Jon Hamm), the ailing CEO of M-Tex, a private oil company. Episode 8 depicted Monty’s hospitalization due to a dangerously high heart rate, and his health takes an even sharper decline in the latest episode.

Tommy Norris stands at the crossroads of leadership and personal freedom (Photo: Landman/MTV Entertainment Studios, 101 Studios, and Bosque Ranch Productions)

A huge portion of the storyline focuses on Tommy grappling with the uncertain future of his long-time friend and employer. As Monty’s condition worsens, Tommy is offered an executive role to step in during Monty’s absence.

Meanwhile, Cooper and Ariana begin to consider their future together now that their immediate crises have subsided. Cooper also devises a strategy to profit within the oil industry.

Simultaneously, Tommy attempts to broker peace with the Cartel following the accidental missile strike from episode 8, but the events suggest that further conflict may arise in the season finale.

Tommy’s Encounter with the Coyote (and Its Death) Investigated

The Coyote as a Symbol of Tommy’s Freedom

The closing moments of episode 9 feature a thought-provoking scene where Tommy observes a coyote from his backyard after presumably learning of Monty’s passing.

As he reflects silently, a neighbor steps out and shoots the coyote for threatening her pets. This moment holds critical symbolism connected to Tommy’s journey and the themes of the show.

The coyote can be interpreted as a representation of unbridled freedom, a concept deeply tied to Tommy’s story. Despite the flaws in his life, Tommy has everything he could need within his grasp.

Earlier in the episode, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones delivers a reflective monologue about cherishing family and embracing life’s fleeting moments, something Monty failed to do.

By accepting the mantle of leadership at M-Tex, Tommy may be relinquishing his opportunity to enjoy life as Jones described, symbolized by the coyote’s untimely death.

Was Monty’s Death Confirmed in Episode 9?

Monty’s Fate Remains Ambiguous

Two pivotal scenes imply that Monty may not have survived, though his death is left unconfirmed until the finale. In one scene, Monty is shown pressing the help button in his hospital bed as his heart rate spikes again, indicating a medical emergency.

Given the earlier discussions about his worsening health, this may mark the character’s final moments.

Later, Cami is seen calling Tommy, whose somber expression and response of condolences further suggest Monty’s demise. However, full clarity will only come with next week’s concluding episode.