Zero Day
Robert De Niro as George Mullen (Photo: Zero Day/Netflix)

Zero Day Ending Explained: Unraveling the Conspiracy and Cyber Threats That Shook the World

Netflix’s Zero Day is a gripping political thriller starring Robert De Niro as George Mullen, a former U.S. president forced out of retirement to lead the Zero Day Commission. The series follows his investigation into a catastrophic cyber attack that destabilizes global infrastructure.

As the story unfolds, Mullen discovers a vast conspiracy involving high-ranking government officials and powerful elites. The series concludes with Mullen exposing the culprits, dismantling the Zero Day Commission, and setting the stage for future cyber threats.

Initially, the cyber attack was thought to be the work of Russian hackers due to references to Euromaidan. However, the investigation later suggested that a left-wing extremist group in the U.S. was responsible. Eventually, it was revealed that the attack was orchestrated by influential politicians and billionaires to further their own agendas.

The attack was carried out using technology embedded in Monica Kidder’s apps, which were installed on 80% of the world’s phones, allowing hackers to shut down global infrastructure for a minute—causing widespread chaos.

Zero Day
Robert De Niro as George Mullen (Photo: Zero Day/Netflix)

Unmasking Corruption as Conspirators Face Justice and Uncertainty in Zero Day’s Aftermath

The Zero Day conspiracy involved individuals both inside and outside the government. Alexandra Mullen, George Mullen’s daughter, was among the Congress members who had prior knowledge of the attack, influenced by politician Richard Dreyer’s vision of a stronger America emerging from the chaos.

Outside the government, Monica Kidder played a pivotal role by enabling the attack through her apps. Wealthy investor Robert Lyndon also benefited financially by shorting the stock market before the attack, revealing how deeply corruption ran within powerful circles.

As the finale reached its climax, George Mullen held a press conference where he was initially expected to reveal only select names involved in the conspiracy. However, deviating from the script, he exposed both private and government figures responsible for the attack. His decision was influenced by his daughter Alexandra, who chose to turn herself in. Mullen emphasized the importance of government transparency and accountability, refusing to cover up the conspiracy to protect the establishment.

Robert Lyndon’s fate remained ambiguous at the end of Zero Day. The last time he was seen, he was aboard his yacht, continuing to communicate with his associates to control the narrative around the attacks. Lyndon hinted at fleeing the country with his wealth, likely escaping legal consequences. While his exact whereabouts remain unknown, his disappearance leaves the possibility open for future developments in the world of Zero Day.

Zero Day
Robert De Niro as George Mullen (Photo: Zero Day/Netflix)

Cybersecurity Aftermath as George Mullen Faces Lingering Threats in a Digitally Vulnerable World

With the Zero Day Commission disbanded George Mullen prepares to return to retirement. However, the impact of the attack lingers, with the government still hunting down unidentified conspirators. The series highlights the urgent need for improved cybersecurity measures, as Mullen stresses that future attacks remain a possibility. The world must address vulnerabilities in its digital infrastructure to prevent similar catastrophic events from occurring.

While Zero Day is fictional, the cyber threats it portrays are very real. A coordinated attack on global communication and infrastructure, even for a brief period, could result in mass casualties and economic collapse. While the exact hacking method depicted in the series may be exaggerated, the show serves as a stark warning about modern society’s reliance on digital technology and the potential dangers of cyber warfare.

Zero Day delivers a thought-provoking commentary on power, corruption, and technological vulnerability. The series’ conclusion provides closure while leaving room for further exploration of cyber threats and political machinations. With its all-star cast and compelling narrative, Zero Day stands as one of Netflix’s most significant releases of 2025, offering both entertainment and a chilling glimpse into the potential future of cyber warfare.